A Designer in Awe of the First Designer

Thursday, January 11, 2007

false advertising

Comcast completely false advertises for itself when they use the phrase, "Comcast, it's Comcastic" to try and convince you it is fantastic. However there is nothing further from the truth. In their recent buy out of Adelphia, I have had nothing but frustrations. My in Demand channels never work, and they say that there is no compensation for that because they are technically free. But here is what really annoys me.. the prices. With adelphia, my HD DVR box was $6.95 a month. Not cheap, but not really a bad price either. Now that it is Comcast, it is $16.95 a month!!!!! for a DVR box?? SERIOUSLY???!!! Comcast is not Comcastic, it's Comhorrible. I'm seriously considering doing without cable just so that I don't have to deal with them.


Blogger ZaijiaN said...

Wow, that's a pretty large shafting going on there. I'm firmly of the opinion that most cable providers suck - the only difference between them is the magnitude of suckage. Time Warner sucks too, but apparently they suck less than Comcast.

9:52 AM

Blogger Blogger said...

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1:22 AM


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