The Season of Love

Yes, the Valentine season in stores is fully upon us. In fact I think the displays were set up on Jan. 1st. Love.. It's a subject on my mind today for some reason, and not because of Valentines. I think it is because of my love affair for music, and the fact that a lot of songs deal with relationships, and I've heard numerous of these songs today. Yes, I know, that was a run-on sentence. Anways.. Love.. It's odd isn't it? Love, It seems to escape some of us so elusively. Love, It seems to find some of us as if cupid has a vendetta against you. Love, Some of us run from it even though it's in front of us. Weird isn't it? How different something that is exactly the same in each persons life can be so different regarding circumstances in someones life.. Love.. Feel free to reply with your thoughts on it.