This for me is the best time of year. It is signatured by the opening day of baseball season. Even though April can still have lingering cold attached to it, you know that life has begun. Hybernation has ended and it is time to play ball. Other seasons are wonderful too, (minus winter. Summer is great and full of fun activities, Fall is almost perfect because of the colors and the weekends filled with football. However with Fall, you know that winter is fast approaching. Spring gives you the hope of summer and fall to look forward to. Hope of a fresh new year. Again, all of this is capitalized by the first crack of the bat. Unfortunately, the Reds didn't get he first crack and played a horrid game losing.. what was it? 17-6? on opening day??? a shame. They rarely play well on opening day anyway. They've won what? 2 out of the past 10? but 17-6.. I'm so glad I like a few other teams.

Green... what a great color. Along with the wonderful beginning of baseball we now have a few things showing life, enticing us outside with color and smell... I spent all day sunday outside. I had nothing to really do outside, I just sat and read a book, gazed across the deep valley that is laid out in front of my apartment and enjoyed the warm sun, sounds of kids playing for the first time in months and the beauty of Gods creative design. It makes me want to travel. I want to see the rest of the world, not out of just adventure but to see the amazing creativity of Gods hand.