A Designer in Awe of the First Designer

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thoughts on Romans

So currently, in my Bible study we are going through Romans. This week we are on Romans 4. Some in the group think this chapter is one of the harder ones to follow and understand. I on the other hand think it's the most clear chapter out of all of Romans. I think Paul is much more linear with this chapter then his bouncing around back and forth between mutliple topics in other chapters.
Anyway. There is one major thing that I took away from Romans 4. Something really hit me as to Abrahams faith. The jist of the chapter is to show how Abraham, the father of the Jews, had faith before he was even technically a Jew. This is an illustration from Paul to prove the fact that both Gentiles and Jews are saved through faith, that it isn't the law that saves. There is more to this fact, but I'm not going to get into it. Back to what I really took away from this Chapter.
Verses 20-22 say : 20Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 22This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness."
Abraham was giving God glory and praise for something that hadn't even happened yet. That amazes me. So much in our current culture of church, we definately praise God, but we praise God for what he HAS done, not so much for what he is GOING to do. This is something I'm going to try and put into practic. I really believe we are missing out on expanding the strength of our faith by not praising God for what he is going to do instead of just praising Him for what he has done.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

false advertising

Comcast completely false advertises for itself when they use the phrase, "Comcast, it's Comcastic" to try and convince you it is fantastic. However there is nothing further from the truth. In their recent buy out of Adelphia, I have had nothing but frustrations. My in Demand channels never work, and they say that there is no compensation for that because they are technically free. But here is what really annoys me.. the prices. With adelphia, my HD DVR box was $6.95 a month. Not cheap, but not really a bad price either. Now that it is Comcast, it is $16.95 a month!!!!! for a DVR box?? SERIOUSLY???!!! Comcast is not Comcastic, it's Comhorrible. I'm seriously considering doing without cable just so that I don't have to deal with them.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


What do you do when you just don’t want to go on anymore? Not that you want life to end, but you just want to give up trying in it anymore. When you reach the point that you yourself are to blame for things becoming a mess and there is no way to pick up the pieces of life that you shattered like a window obliterated by a boys baseball. Only this wasn’t as instant of a crash of sewn leather on glass. It was more of that every so slow creaking of ice under your body when you have found yourself on thin ice in the middle of a huge lake. You can only watch as the ice slowly separates under your feet. You know moving will only make it disintegrate faster, but staying in one place is not going to save you either. Your mind knows that all is not lost. There are ways out, you can move on, however you will be cold, frozen, and hurt. A piercing freeze that will be felt for a long time.

The New Year

2006 was rough. 2007 is allready starting out rougher.