A Designer in Awe of the First Designer

Monday, June 27, 2005

"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry." "Don't hide your emotions and say you're having a good day when you aren't."

But that is exactly what I find myself doing. Why? because that is only the "right thing to say" for the person saying it. Because when it comes down to it. When you do show your emtions, when you do shed a tear, are they there for you or find you to be a strange weirdo. My experience is the strange weirdo. "It's okay for a guy to cry." No it isn't, "don't wear your heart on your sleeve." Which is it? What do you want? Am I free to not be okay? Am I truly allowed to be part of the "Emo" crowd and shed an "Emo" tear? Of course not, I'm male, and living in the 21st century. We say one thing to someone but expect the opposit. How dare we be inconvenienced by having to really act on the sympathy and compassion that we say we have for someone. If it is okay to cry, why do you run when the tears come? why does it make you uncomfortable. Why can't I feel God holding me right now? I really want to feel Him holding me..


Blogger Unknown said...

Big ole hug, Aaron.... thank you so much for your phone call yesterday; it meant a lot.

11:14 AM


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