A Designer in Awe of the First Designer

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Reflection on my Grandpa and Praise

So today at work I'm listening to some old David Crowder, and his music, as usual is leading me into just an amazing soul worship of who God is. So much so that the beauty of God I not only see but feel inside me. Something that I'm sure sounds strange to an unbeliever, but all of my brothers and sisters know exactly what I'm talking about. Well... this led me to think about my grandpa who passed away a little over 3 years ago.

I remember as a young teen watching my grandpa sing hymns. Not only would he just sing hymns, He'd shed tears while he sang them. I really found this as odd at the time. Probably because of growing up in a church where it seemed people couldn't wait for the song service to be done, to finish singing hymns they had been singing over and over for 50 years and got grumpy if they had to stand and sing at the same time... but not my grandpa.. even in his older age when he had a problem standing, He'd still rather get up and stand beside the piano my dad was playing then to sit. He did sit and sing, but he had no problem standing to do it. He wanted to lift his voice up to God.

Well, today, not completely as a new revelation, but definately on my mind.. I see now why my grandpa would cry while singing hymns.. he wasn't just singing, he was praising his creator with his soul. He truly took to heart the beautiful words written down and reflected on God through them. His tears weren't out of sadness, but out of awestruck beauty at who God is. What a wonderful Creator we have, and how much Love HE pours out on us.
Here are the words to the hymn I have listened to hundreds of times, but today when I really meditate on the words and sing them... wow..

All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing.
O Praise him, hallelujah
Thou burning sun with golden beam, thou silver moon with softer gleam.
O Praise Him, O Praise Him, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Thou rushing wind that art so strong, Ye clouds that sail in heaven along.
O Praise Him, hallelujah
Thou rising moon in praise rejoice, ye lights of evening find a voice.
O Praise Him, O Praise Him, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Let all things our creator bless, and worship Him in humbleness
O Praise Him, hallelujah
Praise Praise the Father, Praise the Son, and Praise the Spirit three in one
O Praise Him, O Praise Him

so simple.. so beautiful. I'm glad Crowder.. and Apex still uses this song in a beautiful contemporary way.


Blogger Unknown said...

I definitely love that song too. :-) It's funny though; I grew up in a Lutheran church, and we never sing any of the hymns at Apex that we used to sing; and I know that's because of a baptist background...but I still miss them.


1:22 PM


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